HOW TO PREPARE YOUR SKIN FOR THE SUN - Training Your Skin to Tan Safely

Posted by Claudia Sa on

In Spring, the days get longer and we are exposed to more UV radiation. To prepare our skin for sun exposure and prevent premature aging, we need progressive exposure, cellular renewal and good nutrition. Sunscreen with a high SPF may prevent sunburn, but it cannot protect from UVA damage if the skin is unprepared and undernourished.

The sun is our friend. A best friend. Vital for all life on the planet. It's been here for over 4 billion years and will stay for another 5 billion, according to science. Life on this planet is only possible because of the sun. And our skin needs it too. Without it, we cannot produce a myriad of chemicals that are vital for our bodies' health.

Benefits of sun exposure include:

  • increased oxygen of blood and tissues
  • regulation of our circadian rhythm and the production of melanin which helps us sleep better
  • mood stability 
  • relaxation and toning of our nervous system
  • antiseptic and disinfectant qualities

But of course, we want to be judicious and not get sunburned. Sunburn is an inflammatory reaction from the skin, telling us that we have been overexposed to the sun. The best time for sunbathing is before 11 pm and after 6 pm.

So, let's learn how to interact wisely with the sun, prepare our skin to receive its rays, and make the most out of them while preventing the potential damage it can cause to your skin.


Maintaining an ideal balance of melanin skin cells is essential in avoiding hyperpigmentation. Gradual sun exposure has become harder to do due to our more sedentary lifestyles, which can lead to Vitamin D deficiency and craving for longer hours in the sun. It is best to start with short periods tailored to your particular skin type and UV exposure, so as not to overstimulate the melanin cells. A personalized plan is needed for safe and effective protection from the sun’s rays, including physical mineral filters, photoprotective plant ingredients, and protective clothing.



Organic plant nutrients help to protect the skin from outside aggressions. Plants produce compounds that protect them from UV radiation, which can be harnessed and preserved. Beta-carotene and Vitamin A are alternatives to synthetic retinol that improve melanocytic cells, while polyphenols, micronutrients, and Vitamin E fight premature ageing and provide some degree of sun protection.


Cellular restoration is essential during the months of sunlight as the skin works harder and UV radiation leads to increased keratin production. A gentle exfoliation can boost the renewal cycle by removing old skin cells and stimulating blood flow. be gentle - if you scrub too strongly, this may lead to increased hyperpigmentation. Continue gentle exfoliation during months of sun exposure to prevent skin hardening and dark spots caused by sun radiation.

A simple Raw Silk Exfoliant Cloth is the most gentle option. Other gentle exfoliants can be found here: Masks and Exfoliants 


Foods containing photoprotective nutrients aid the body's defense mechanisms, thanks to their actions on a cellular level. It is a good idea to start eating a diet rich in beta-carotene and antioxidants at the beginning of Spring, before your first sun exposure.

For external application, the Kari Gran Tinted Zinc SPF, Puru SPF 50 and Living Libations SPF have excellent oils and zinc that help prepare, protect, and repare the skin. 

By following these steps, you can naturally prepare your skin for the sun. When it comes to healthy nutrition and the sun, consistency is key – daily habits and high-quality nutrients help strengthen your body and skin. Relying solely on SPF cream cannot provide full protection against UV rays.

 As for sun protection, this will be the topic of another article, but suffice to know that the best formulation of natural sunscreen consists of 100% natural ingredients like red raspberry seed oil with aloe vera, virgin coconut oil, and other organic vegetable oils and a 5% amount of zinc oxide instead of chemical compounds. Natural SPF Collection


 'Sunlight dominates the chemistry of the blood. People who do not get sunlight do not have the same richness and redness of blood as do those who secure plenty of sunlight. There is not a tissue or function in the body that is not benefited by regular and judicious sunbathing.' Dr Herbert Sheldon, Fasting and Sunbathing, 1950.


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  • thanks a lot for this great article. its a breath of fresh air, reading something that is sun-positive :-)

    Susan on

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